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If you need an extraordinary and free-to-use tool to check the page speed of your webpages, you have landed on the perfect place. The Page Speed Checker by the SEO Toolz will provide you everything you need to know about your page’s speed, along with other information, such as CSS Links, Script Links and Image Links.
To explain it simply, Page Speed is the time a webpage takes to open up. The loading time taken by a webpage to show data is Page Speed.
Page Speed is a key factor in determining how well your webpages do in search results. If a page takes too much time in loading, it will certainly not be received well by users, which will result your webpages to rank badly. Therefore, you have to put good effort into maintaining a good page speed for all of your pages.
Ideal Page Speed for Webpages
The known and accepted ideal page speed for standard webpages are 2 seconds, nothing more. Google themselves go for speeds under half a second, but as long as you are under 2 seconds, you’re good. Also, don’t be too disheartened if you miss the 2-second mark by, let’s say a quarter of a second, as that small of a time difference is barely noticeable.
Tips to Reduce Page Speed
As you have now understood the importance of Page Speed, with the ideal speed of webpages, you should understand how to actually reduce page speed, and for that, here are some tips.
Compress your images
The size of your webpage is directly correlated to the speed of your webpages. The bigger the pages, the longer it will take for a webpage to load. You can decrease the size of your page by compressing images of your pages. Some ways you can compress the images of your webpages are by using tools such as WordPress Smush. If you used WordPress to make your website, you can download and activate this tool, and it will automatically compress all of the images on your website and its pages to decrease the size of your pages.
Stop the Use of Redirects
If redirections in your webpages aren’t truly necessary, you should probably go ahead and stop doing them all together, as they really damage the Page Speeds of your pages. Redirecting takes up the time for a HTTP request, along with the actual loading time for opening the other page.
Finally, it is time for you to learn how to use our Page Speed Checker for your very own webpages. First, click here. Then, put the URL of the webpage you want to check the page speed of in the given text box. Next, click “Submit”. In seconds, you will be able to see the page speed of the webpage given by you, along with other info such as CSS, Script and Image Links.
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